Climate change: It’s a controversial topic that not everybody agrees with. While some may say the disagreement is unfortunate as climate change is something that affects us and our planet, something we should all play a role in, it’s always a good thing to be skeptical.
But if you’re kind of in agreeance with the idea of climate change but still not entirely sure, perhaps you’re hoping to learn more to put an end to your uncertainty. But to be clear, the idea of climate change isn’t and shouldn’t be a political issue, but rather a concern even those skeptical about it should understand.
National Geographic provided an eye-opening climate change commercial, and you’ll want to watch it. It brings the idea of climate change to life. Even if you disagree with this subject, it’s essential to be in-tune with what’s going on in our world, and also with the animals who share this beautiful planet with us.
In the stunning but saddening commercial, National Geographic features a bony, weak polar bear in starvation mode searching for a source of food. The captions in the video imply that seals are polar bears’ primary source of food and that due to sea ice caps melting, seals are harder for these bears to access. The melting caps are forcing the limited number of bears already on this Earth to journey further into the land where their main sources, and even other sources, of food, are not easy to find.
The solution may seem simple: Why not just feed the polar bears ourselves? Well, it’s that not easy considering it is illegal to feed polar bears, giving these animals a stricter chance of survival. They’re left on their own to find food that is becoming increasingly more difficult for them to search for.
Their journey isn’t simple, and of course, there’s more to it, so click on the next page to read more about how climate change affects these malnourished animals.
It’s safe to say that circumstances like climate change affect every species on this planet, but some (like humans) have better means of fighting off the results of it. We’re also a lot stronger than the majority of these animals, and our living conditions don’t require us to hunt for our food or live outdoors.
We might think that things are terrible for us, but we should put ourselves in the shoes of these animals and reconsider what we believe are our hardships, as a result of climate change.
Fortunately, scientists claim it’s not yet too late. While the polar bear pack is dwindling away at rapid rates, there’s still time to ensure their species lives on. Polar Bears International provides a website with several ways to reduce pollution which in turn can mitigate climate change. These efforts can help save the polar bears in addition to our planet. They also provide further information regarding the polar bears and an option to donate to fund research on this issue. From this organization, one can also adopt-a-polar-bear to help support the organization’s efforts to educate others and provide action to help save our planet.
Still not fully convinced? Not to worry; it’s important to keep in mind, however, that recycling and being responsible regarding reducing waste and not taking more from our planet than necessary is a start and something everyone should do. This not only prevents additional what-could-have-been pollution but can help avoid extinction resulting from the change in climate affected by greenhouse gases. Keep the idea of moderation in mind.
To learn more about our polar bears and climate change, be sure to watch the video below and to visit National Geographic’s website.