Cats mystify me. They’re so funny in the way they see the world. The things they do and the ways in which they react throw me for a loop every single time. Ever seen a cat jump a mile in the air after coming into contact with a cucumber? How about the sweet and adorable way they like to sit and fit into anything from tissue boxes to bread baskets to vases?
I love these furry little guys. They never cease to make my day and bring a smile to my face in even the toughest of times. And this furball, Nala, is something special. She’s a little different and stranger than the rest of them.
Nala is half Norweigan Forest Cat, and half Maine C**n, so right off the bat, she’s already pretty cool (I mean, how majestic does a Forest Cat sound!?). As if that’s not enough, she’s got a fantastic sparkling personality and to top it off, she really likes to play in the snow. Yep. While most cats are outside begging to be let indoors, she’s inside, meowing to be let outside so she can smush her face in the cold, white stuff.
Nala is one with nature, totally in her element when she’s outside in the winter. She does have the upper hand, after all. Norwegian Forest Cats, over the years, have adapted to cold climates, and have thick, glossy coats and a pretty padded, furry undercoat for insulation. These kitties were built to enjoy the great white north, and this one clearly loves it. She literally frolics, and bounces, and jumps and plays in inches of snow. Her owners can’t get enough of it either, throwing little cat-sized snowballs at her and encouraging her antics.
Of course, Nala is still feline and loves her warm cuddles and mischievous play indoors after being outside all day. She likes to play hide-and-go-seek in her owner’s gym bag. She doesn’t think you can see her peeping through the zipper slit but we can. And it just makes her all that much cuter! After all is said and done, at the end of the day, Nala gets so much joy from curling up with her owner and passing out purring just like any other kitty. She’s such a sweetie!
Click the video below to watch Nala be her cute and cuddly self with whatever she gets up to.