Mom Tells Pup To Get Out Of The Child’s Car Seat

I remember in my house, there was always this battle between my siblings and me about where each of us would sit when it came to watching TV after a long day at school. We all wanted the best seat in the family room so that we had the best view, but there was just one of that seat and three of us. So, who would win? A majority of the time, my younger brother would take the best spot because as per my mom, “he’s the youngest, so it’s ok.” My sister and I wouldn’t be thrilled.

Things are a bit similar in the video below, but in this case, it seems like the family dog has taken over the best and most comfy seat in the car, and it looks like it’s the baby’s car seat.

Mom is taking her baby Leo, and the family dog Nacho, out for the day. It’s clear that Leo is going to go with mom and son because he’s in the car, all ready for the adventure, even before mom gets to it. The funny thing is that he’s sitting in Leo’s car seat. Mom is laughing at the sight of him sitting there like that with a serious facial expression, but obviously, he has to get out so Leo can be fastened in. Safety first! Nacho, however, has intentions of his own.

He doesn’t seem to care for the fact that he’s sitting in Leo’s seat and that he has to get out in order for the day out to begin — I’m sure mom won’t go anywhere unless her baby is safely fastened in his car seat. As she tries to convince the pup to get up and off the seat, Nacho does the funniest thing. He sits there with a lazy expression on his face, looking right at mom without moving an inch.

Mom is surprised and amused at the dog’s reaction and you can tell by the way she’s laughing at him staring back at her. It’s actually quite funny to watch the two go back and forth over Leo’s baby seat.

The video ends with mom giggling and asking Nacho to get off the seat, so it leaves us with a bit of a cliffhanger. Did she manage to get Nacho off the seat and buckle Leo in? Or, did Nacho persist on riding in the child seat at which point the outing was canceled? I wonder if we’ll ever find out!

Click below to watch the funny encounter between mom and pup!

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