Momma Dog Cries Out For Help After Her Pup Gets Severely Injured

Just like us, animals are very protective of their offspring. Animals and humans alike aren’t fond of strangers touching their newborns, are especially concerned with their babies’ health in the first few weeks of birth, and always keep a watchful eye for any potential danger.

Although they say that Momma knows best, mothers are not magical. There comes a point where a mother may not have what it takes to help their children in all circumstances. Nevertheless, a loving mother always does her best to keep her little ones safe and sound.

For one momma dog in India, she felt completely helpless when one of her five sweet puppies was injured and lying flat on the ground. Unsure of what she could possibly do to make her pup feel better, her first instinct was to call out for help from passersby.  Fortunately, someone came to the rescue: Animal Aid Unlimited, an animal hospital, rescue, and sanctuary for animals on the street.

According to Animal Aid Unlimited, “[The mother dog] didn’t stop trying desperately to communicate as we gently lifted her puppy who had two deep wounds and placed him in the ambulance. We couldn’t bring her along because she had 4 other babies to watch over.”

While surely Momma was worried about the fate of her little one, as she saw him getting taken away, Animal Aid Unlimited crossed their fingers that the mother dog would know deep in her heart that they would only be attempting to save her pup.

“We would try our best to save her sweetheart and bring him home, and how we wished and hoped she would somehow understand.”

While badly injured and left unable to walk, they gave the puppy, which they named Toggle, plenty of care and time to recover from the ground up.

“Her little one was so brave, and never struggled throughout his wound dressings. But he had a lingering problem: the wounds hurt him so badly he couldn’t walk for several days. We weren’t sure if the nerve damage was permanent.”

As Toggle recovered, he grew close to his rescuers, thankful that they aided him in his time of need. However, Animal Aid Unlimited knew they would have to return the little fella to his rightful owner: his mom. And boy, was the reunion tear-jerking! It was clear that Momma recognized her pup from the moment she saw him. The look on her face was utterly shocked and overwhelmingly grateful.

Animal Aid Unlimited says they will be back to spay the mother dog as her pups get older. Hopefully one day, Toggle, his mother, and his siblings will have the chance of being taken into a loving home as well!

To see Toggle’s rescue, watch the video below. Seeing the family reunite after recovering is the best part, so be sure to watch until the end!

Source: Reshareworthy

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