Moms are dynamic creatures. While they’re naturally loving, their maternal instinct, however, comes two-fold. Like anything in the world, yin and yang, dark and light, rain and shine, moms have a good and bad side. One is soothing, nurturing, caring and giving, but the other is more along the lines of don’t-mess-with-me-I-brought-you-into-this-world-I-can-take-you-out-of-this-world kind of deal. Feel me?
She knows how to be soft when needed and hard when required. There’s a delicate balance between both, but thank goodness moms are so well-rounded! They need to be both hard and soft in order to navigate through whatever comes their way, just like this mom did in the face of danger.
Brittany Christensen from Lake Tahoe, USA, had a bit of a run-in at her home when she had to implement a technique we can all relate to! During the summer months, bears tend to be a little more forthcoming, emerging out of the wilderness, more often, to “say hi” and explore their surroundings. Where Brittany lives, it becomes “bear country” in the warmer months and people are cautioned to be aware of bear sightings. Attacks are rare, but the last thing you want to do is aggravate one.
Over the years, the bears from the area have naturally grown more used to people. It’s not uncommon for a bear to wander into residential areas snooping for food and whatever else they can get their paws on. But when Brittany saw a bear coming in hot, she knew she had to act fast. She didn’t want to hurt the animal, so she did something else that worked just as well as force.
You know that “mom voice” we all have stored in our brains? It never goes away. It’s that firm, and sure voice used when she means business and isn’t backing down. The one that’s punctuated with a foot stomp and you know you’ve got one angry lady on your hands! You don’t want to mess with her. Well, that’s exactly what Brittany did. She gave the bear her best mom voice, and just like any teenager who gets caught sneaking in past curfew, this bear heard her message loud and clear and ran off fast. Way to go, mom! “My mom voice actually worked!” Brittany wrote in her Facebook post. “Just wish it worked on my kids.”
Click below to watch this hilarious video of one brave-as-heck lady, whose mom voice was put to excellent use!