Smart-Mouthed Mom Records Her Morning Drop-Off Routine

I think one of the best ways to get through life is to have a sense of humor. I’m not saying that you should laugh at everything and some things do require a degree of seriousness. But, a commonplace everyday healthy dose of humor that involves sarcasm, wittiness, irony and just general truth speaking, sure does add a little more fun to things, doesn’t it? I spilled a whole can of soup on the kitchen floor and had a good chuckle about my clumsiness before I got down on all fours and cleaned everything up!

Susannah B. Lewis is a mom of three, a writer, novelist, and comedian. She’s got a southern gal’s point of view and isn’t afraid to express it! She’s smart, witty, sarcastic (“I fluently speak the language of sarcasm,” she wrote. “If sarcasm offends you, then I’m really sorry (that’s sarcasm).”) and is very entertaining in everything she does – like this video that had me (and the Internet, so far) in stitches.

In this gem, all eyes are on her in the driver’s seat. She’s got big heavy sunglasses on, no makeup and she hasn’t had a coffee yet (not until 0:23 when she chugs it down). Nope, this mom is not a morning person, and it makes for some really funny moments. The whole video is of Susannah shooting off comments. The caption, “Drop off woes for my moms who clearly aren’t morning people…” says it all. From making remarks about a woman who has her morning routine down pat, “Look at her. She’s been up, dressed and worked out this morning, took a shower. Overachiever..” to the staff, “Got the poor librarian out here wearing a construction worker vest … bless her heart,” Susannah is on fire!

Her hilarious and slightly bitter, wacky and random sense of humor is great. She is relatable and honest, doesn’t use cheap shots, and just hits the nail on the head! It’s all authentic observation, executed with style! You can’t help but find her endearing because she says out loud everything we’ve all thought of at one point or another.

What did your morning routine consist of when you dropped your kids to school? Or, even better, how is it now with the grandkids? Share your storied with us in the comments!

And, don’t forget to click below to watch Susannah in all of her morning glory! She does raise some valid points!

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