Mom Blows Her Nose And Baby Makes A Really Funny And Sweet Face

There are so many noises that fill our every day. Can you imagine there is no background noise in our lives — things would get really boring, super quick! Although we are accustomed to a majority of these sounds (like the tap running while someone is doing the dishes and you’re watching TV), there are still some things that can catch you off guard.

One of the noises that still scares me, regardless of how old I may now be, is when someone sneezes and I didn’t see it coming. I’m one of those people who will jump in her seat, scream, and then get upset with the person for sneezing so loud, and unexpectedly!

Something similar happened in the video below as well. Little Emerson is sitting in his walker, minding his own business, when mom decides to blow her nose. At first, the toddler is shocked, scared, and a little perplexed. In his defense, he has no idea why mom just made that sound! He hasn’t been in this world too long to know the way it all works.

It’s safe to say that mom noticed Emerson getting slightly scared while she was blowing her nose, so she decides to test the waters and does it for the second time. At first, he’s wide-eyed and looking concerned, but then the cutest thing happens. He gets a tad bit hyper and starts laughing at the sight of mom and her antics.

It’s funny to see the little one go from being horrified to hysterics in a matter of seconds.

Click on the link below and watch Emerson have a ball of a time!


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