People Give Us A Lot To Think About In These “Am I The Jerk?” Stories

Dive into a whirlwind of moral dilemmas, personal conflicts, and heated debates in this captivating collection of stories. From familial disputes at weddings to contentious arguments over property rights, therapy, and even a forgotten cookie, these narratives delve into the complexities of human relationships and the challenging decisions we often face. Explore the grey areas of etiquette, responsibility, and justice, as each story asks the reader one crucial question: Am I The Jerk? Buckle up for a rollercoaster of emotions that will leave you questioning your own judgments and perspectives. AITJ = Am I the jerk? NTJ = Not the jerk WIBTJ = Would I be the jerk? YTJ = You're the jerk

22 . AITJ For Not Wanting To Attend My Distant Brother's Child-Free Wedding?


"I moved from MA to FL 22 years ago, family still lives there. Now, my baby brother has been to Florida 7 times since my 6 yo was born, twice since my 3 yo. Not once has he come to visit us and he's never met them. In fact, the last time he came to visit me was like 15 years ago when he moved down here and stayed with me rent-free before giving up and crawling back to Mommy.

Anyways, now he's getting married in October, a trash time of year on Cape Cod, and he's not allowing kids at the wedding or reception. AITJ for not wanting to spend about 5 grand just to drag my family to a place where everything closes at 6:30 pm, it's about 30 degrees colder than where we live, there's absolutely nothing to do, and just to have them sit in a hotel room while I sit in a room full of people I have to pretend to like for several hours???

Oh plus a wedding gift... you guys, I really don't want to go lmao."

Another User Comments:

"NTJ for not wanting to go or wanting to spend that money. It needs no other excuse than that a wedding is an invite not mandatory but more so as he hasn’t tried and have any relationship with you in over a decade even when he’s visiting near yours.

So why put yourself out of pocket when you really don’t want to go? YTJ for making it about where he is having the wedding. It’s his wedding and it’s near him and your family. Not coming to a family wedding because you don’t like the area or want it hotter is a jerk thing to do.
Just say no and stop tearing down his wedding, it’s not yours he doesn’t have to cater to your wishes on the major aspects of it. It’s a jerk excuse to stay away you only got the NTJ first as no one can make you do what you don’t want to.
From your entitled whining, I can perhaps see why he doesn’t visit. You show yourself to be all sunshine and light." Sweet-Interview5620

Another User Comments:

"YTJ! You are not a martyr, quit projecting as though you are. Sure your brother didn't make any effort to build a relationship with you but did you make any effort?

Your statements about crying back to mommy are not befitting of an adult. If your "wit," "humor" and "sarcasm" are any indication of your attitude then it's best that the two of you keep your distance. His wedding venue, date, and the timing for it are choices that are his to make, you don't get a say in it.
If you have such a resentful attitude towards your brother then please don't go. You will be doing him and yourself a favor." BoredofB

Another User Comments:

"Everyone sucks here. Your brother didn't come to visit when he was close. He used you as a crash pad.

That sucks. He's a jerk. You could go to the wedding for a short trip (by yourself, leave the family at home, why are you dragging them into it in the first place?) and celebrate a big day for your brother. It might be his only wedding.
Plus you get to see parents and family. Also, the condescension and attitude have dripped all over your keyboard. Go get a towel to wipe it off. You're a jerk." solidly_garbage