People Forget Their Manners In These 'Am I A Jerk?' Stories

Dive into a world of moral dilemmas, family drama, personal conflict, and controversial choices. Each story in this fascinating collection presents a different scenario where individuals grapple with the question: Am I the jerk? From hospital visits to family feuds, from relationship struggles to workplace disputes, these stories will challenge your perspective. AITJ = Am I the jerk? NTJ = Not the jerk WIBTJ = Would I be the jerk? YTJ = You're the jerk

22 . AITJ For Refusing To Give My Mom Money For Her Second House After She Neglected Me Financially As A Child?


"When I was a kid, my mom would never spend money on me. I can't even remember having pocket money until I started to work as a teenager and even then I couldn't make any savings because of having to pay rent for my mom as a 14 years old and buying all the clothes/food/school supplies/birthday presents for myself by myself and I would often run out of money in the middle of the year and then I wouldn't have any cash till the summer when I could get the summer job again.

At the same time my mom never had issues with money. She could buy herself expensive stuff and go to the lavish holidays with her partner while I'd get hand me downs from her or her friends and stay home alone for months. Believe me or not but I haven't been to the cinema until my 20s.

When I was graduating from the high school my mom had an authority to compare me with another kids having savings and getting cars(most of them were bought by their parents). Even comparing me to my stepbrother whose education in France was paid for by my mom/stepdad and my cousins who would get everything on a silver plate.

After that, I moved out and worked awful job at night while studying during the day to make ends meet.

Now I(26f) have the stable job with good income, amazing relationships and some savings. I go on the lavish holidays, buy nice clothes and food that I like.

Overall, I invest my money in myself and my partner. Of course, we are saving money for the future(now I wanna get a car).

Back to my mom-I cut off completely all contacts with her and she's blocked everywhere since she considers me ungrateful and refuses to believe the things she has done to me during the years.

Recently I went to Vietnam and her friend saw pictures at my Instagram account. Next thing I do is getting call from my mom(fake number) and getting yelled at for spending money on the travel instead of giving it to her as a down payment for her second house.
We have talked about it couple of years ago but I told her straight away my money are my money and I am not going to give her 30K Euro for the investment property for her retirement (so basically I won't be able to live there because she plans to rent it out).
Now she/her family are guilt tripping me into giving her money since I should be grateful for her raising me financially responsible person. I am sorry but making your kid to choose between getting bus ticket or winter shoes is not raising it as a financially responsible person.

Another User Comments:

"NTJ Your mom chose to have children, you did not chose to be born. She did nothing that deserves gratitude beyond breeding which even a cockroach can do. Use your money in whatever ways makes you happy. Block her and when her family members contact you tell them they can help her, then block them." secoura

Another User Comments:

"Second house down payment? Is your mother out of her head? NTJ. Block her calls and stop stressing over her. If she can afford a second home she better get used to not using you like a piggy bank anymore. I am grateful to and have been well blessed in my relationship with my mom.

But, I ain't trying to buy her a second home so she can get some rental income. Good grief." AndSoItGoes24

Another User Comments:

"NTJ, sounds like she didn't raise you at all. The reason you're so financially responsible is because you've had to be to survive.

You probably don't even realise it but maybe you're very frugal too? happens a lot to people who grew up poor. Personally because of my upbringing I've been overly frugal to the point that it has affected my relationships, as if I was punishing myself for something, or I was scared to spend money in case I ran out.
That's just me though. Maybe you're a lot more adjusted than I am! But anyways, she sounds very entitled, but being your parent doesn't entitle them to the results of your hard work. why should you spend a dime on her when she never valued you in the first place?" imworkingitout