Selfless Father Gets Makeover. Wife Screams At The Sight Of Her “New” Husband.

Parents take on many roles: guide, teacher, and discipliner. Those roles don’t even consider the job, relationships and friendships, and various other responsibilities that we might be maintaining on top of being a parent. But parenting is no easy task. Once one brings a child into the world it’s a game-changer, and for many parents, they end up putting themselves last on their priority list.

45-year-old Mike Weiss, husband, and father of two, meets the latter criteria. Once his wife Rebecca was diagnosed with breast cancer, he began to play an even heavier role as a caretaker, lover, and parent. But, in turn of having less time on his hands for his personal wants and needs, his physical appearance changed drastically. He looked more tired than usual, his curly locks grew to a length he wouldn’t have had before, and he had a stubbly beard.

Since Mike was so selfless, it was time for him to get something in return. He ended up on the Today Show’s “Ambush Makeover” segment for a complete transformation!

But, before he got the makeover, the show interviewed his children. They mentioned that during the midst of their mother’s remission, their dad took them and picked them up from school each day, always made sure there were meals on the table and that their mom made it to her doctor’s appointments on time, without once complaining. The kindness and strength Mike exhibited is truly what every husband and father should have!

In just a matter of hours, the Today’s Show stars, Jill Martin and Louis Licari completely transformed the father. They cut his long hair, shaved his beard, and traded his old clothes for a new outfit.

While the latter changes might seem simple, the results were jaw-dropping. Mike no longer looked like himself! Upon walking out on stage to his blind-folded wife and two children, the big reveal was a major shocker for them.

“You look so incredible, just gorgeous, and a little pampering for you for a change!” his wife said in response to her husband’s makeover.

Wife Rebecca also mentioned that her husband looks exactly the same since they met in college! In fact, this is the best Mike has looked in a long time, according to her.

To see Mike’s complete transformation and his family’s reaction, watch the video below! The love, loyalty, and perseverance of Mike for his family is incredible.

Make sure when watching the video that you watch all the way through because it also showcases a 63-year-old cancer survivor, Ron Madden, and his makeover on the show, as well. Both makeovers will have you in smiles and tears!

Let’s give both Mike and Ron some support for the amazing men that they are. Please share the video of the two men’s makeovers on social media!

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