11-Year-Old Grabs Mic And Sings Beyoncé Song

Even if Beyoncé isn’t your cup of tea, there’s no denying her talent, and what she’s done for herself over the years. She’s become a legend, coming from humble beginnings, and working her way up through the ranks into a mega superstar, multi-faceted powerhouse of a woman and entertainer. She wears many, many hats (star, singer, Queen Bey, wife, mom — to name a few!) and continues to deliver the Beyoncé je ne sais quois in everything she does.

Anyone who attempts to fill her shoes knows how high the heels are, how shiny they sparkle and how bright the color is. These aren’t just any shoes, and you’re risking it all when you attempt to come close to what she’s done and how! So when 11-year-old Maria Negovetic from Croatia covered Beyonce’s heavy-hitting, advanced level, girl power anthem, you can imagine how nerve-wracking it was for this little singer.

Mia has been on “Little Big Shots” and “The Ellen Show.” So, she’s been in front of an audience, and she’s comfortable. But, it’s something totally different when you’re performing in front of your friends and classmates, and that’s what Mia had to do here.  These are people she knows and loves and cares about – this was another type of nervousness. She knew she had to call upon her inner diva and keep it together.

It helps that Mia’s been singing since she was a kid. Anything that she could memorize, she would sing. From Disney to movie soundtracks and songs played on the radio while driving to school or family functions. Her parents saw their daughter’s potential and decided that they have to run with it. They encouraged her and got Mia to sing at gatherings. Since she was exposed to music and an audience at such a young age, Mia’s confidence is obvious, and it’s helped her sharpen her voice and fine-tune her skills.

And here she is showing off those skills for all of her classmates, and now the world. From the movie “Dreamgirls,” Mia chose Beyoncé’s “Listen,” a remarkably powerful song that would make most experienced singers break out into a cold sweat. This is no easy feat. How Mia manages to execute it flawlessly is beyond me, and stands as a testament to her unwavering talent and skill. She is next level, and this act proves it!

Click below to watch Mia in action. She too good to be true!

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