Veteran Reunites With Former Service Dog After Long Separation

Our pets play a prominent role in our lives. Although we may intend to give them a forever home, sometimes there are reasons we may have to say goodbye to them, even if it’s not our decision. For instance, sometimes we are forced to say goodbye to our furry friends if we will be moving into an apartment that doesn’t allow pets. Others may have to get rid of their beloved pet when they find out they’re allergic to him or her.

For Army veteran, Matthew Kropp, he grew attached to his sidekick, Tina the German shepherd, when he was working at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad after serving in the Iraq War. However, Matthew’s heart broke when he was sent back to the U.S. in 2017, and Tina was deemed too old to continue her Army duties, resulting in the best friends’ separation.

After moving to Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, Matthew couldn’t help but think about Tina. It’s been roughly a year, but the sweet, hard-working, loyal canine was still on his mind. After all, they had been working together for years. How could he ever forget her?

“Without her, I wouldn’t be able to live,” he says.

Matthew decided to do something about it. He called up K9 Hero Haven, a non-profit organization based in Herndon, Pennsylvania that provides dog adoption and rehabilitation of retired military and police dogs. The veteran was hoping the organization would have an idea of where Tina was.

To Matthew’s surprise, Anne Gibbs of the non-profit was able to track down Tina and put together a reunion for the two.

Upon arriving at Country Cupboard restaurant in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania where the two friends would be meeting face to face once again, Matthew was a little worried Tina wouldn’t remember him. “I’m hoping that she’s excited and that she remembers me. That’s what I’m really hoping for,” he admits.

However, right away, Tina recognizes her old pal. She instantly runs up to Matthew and even let him give her a belly rub. In video footage of the reunion, the pup seems quite jittery, full of excitement! According to the veteran, the two still have the same bond that they had before they were separated. Matthew was happy that the reunion went as he expected.

Anne Gibbs was also pleased with the reunion, deeming it a success. “…to be able to see them come home and spend all the rest of her life with his family, and being a dog and a family pet. It’s phenomenal,” she says.

Although at the time of the reunion, Matthew had to return back to Iraq in a few weeks, Tina stayed with Matthew’s wife and two kids at home in the U.S. as she waited patiently for her long-time friend to return.

“Now she can relax and retire, and I can provide that for her now,” says Matthew.

What a heartfelt story! Learn more about it in the video below.

Source: Relieved

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