3 Nervous Kids Impress Crowd With Their Rendition Of “The Prayer”

A song truly has staying power when more than one artist has sung it and has added their personal touch. If it can be redone in different versions and performed by many different people, you know there’s something beautiful about it. Take for example “The Prayer,” first done by Josh Groban then launched into a mega-hit by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli who sang it together in their native English and Italian, respectively. It was an international single sung by two heavy-hitters who injected so much love and talent in the song.

And now, it’s trickled down. Performing on “The Voice Kids,” Matteo, Claudia, and Markus are ready to take on the powerful and intimidating song, and show the judges what they’re made of. Together, they’re ready to take it on!

The three tweens start slow and harmonic. Although they look shy, they muster the courage and begin on a strong note. The first voice brings a huge smile to one of the judges’ face. She stares longingly at the kids, looking very pleased with what she’s already hearing. And if this is only the first few seconds, the judge’s panel is seriously in for a treat.

It only gets better. The two other kids join in, and they all sing together, alternating between English and Italian, each voice intertwining with the next to create an ultra-lush and breathtaking sound. The three of them are a tour de force combination, enough to send rippling goosebumps from the nape of your neck down your spine and into your knees.

The trio builds harmony and power and reaches a staggering climax. The first judge is in tears and has to get comforted by one of the others. Families are clapping while crying, and the tweens join together in the last uplifting verse, holding an elongated note in unison. The crowd goes wild as they finish the song. But that’s not all.

They look at each other, nod, and give the room an encore! The crying judge rushes to the stage and sits down, moved by the performance, thrilled that they’re not done. She is their biggest fan! The trio carries on for another verse and absolutely blows everyone away. Just when we all thought it was over, they had a little extra up their sleeve. What a stunning rendition of such a classic.

Click below to watch these three mesmerize the crowd and judges, and give everyone a little something extra!

Source: FaithTap

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