Massive Whale Warns Diver Of Nearby Shark

As humans, it’s common for us to recognize that we are at the top of the food chain, and therefore, considered to be the most intelligent beings on the planet. While that may be true, we have to recognize that other animals are also extremely intelligent.

Just because an animal doesn’t look like us, live like us, and communicate the same way does not mean that it isn’t smart. In fact, many animals are brilliant and capable of complex communication. In many cases, we are only just beginning to understand the depth of these animals’ intelligence and ability to feel emotions.

If you own a pet like a dog or a cat, you probably notice the many ways they try to communicate with you. They ask for food, to go outside, and for affection. Dogs, especially, are very good at warning us of danger, or at least what they think is dangerous — like the mailman or a stranger.

There have been countless stories of family dogs taking matters into their own hands when it comes to tragic situations, too. Remember the pooch who helped save his infant brother from a house that was going up in flames? Or, what about the pup that barged into mom’s room to warn her of the baby’s deteriorating health while everyone was sleeping? They’re quite something.

But, imagine if the animal that is trying to warn you of danger is a massive whale. That’s exactly what happened to whale biologist Nan Hauser. She was snorkeling with her team off Muri Beach, Cook Islands, in the South Pacific when a 50,000-pound humpback whale approached her. It swam towards her and pushed her through the water with its head and mouth, then tucked her under its pectoral fin.

What she soon realized was that the whale was trying to protect her from a nearby tiger shark, which could be potentially dangerous to humans. The biologist believes this is the first time a whale’s intuitive nature to protect other species of animals, even humans, was captured on film.

Do you have similar stories you’d like to share? Tell us about them in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you!

And, in the meantime, watch the video below to see the breathtaking encounter. When Nan is finally safe, the whale does something amazing.

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