Dog Jumps Off Moving Train And Walks 125 Miles To Return To Family That Abandoned Her

They say both dogs and cats always know their way back home. It seems that no matter how far they roam, even if it be several cities away, they somehow miraculously make it back where they belong.

However, when Manora “Maru” the one-year-old Bullmastiff walked a whopping 125 miles through the Siberian Forest, back to her original home, she was in for the shock of her life when she discovered her owner no longer wanted her. According to her owner, she gave up the canine once finding out she was allergic to her.

But it wasn’t just the long distance she traveled that made Maru’s story so viral-worthy; the Bullmastiff opened the compartment door on the train she was on to Novosibirsk with her paws, leaving the train to journey back home. The people on the train were unable to retrieve the dog.

Maru’s breeder, Alla, even got together a search party to look for the runaway pup. She posted on social media saying that Maru “jumped out of the compartment door, kicked the handle to open it and almost threw the conductor out of the way” before jumping out “like a bullet.”

It wasn’t until two and a half days later that the missing dog was finally found, very close to her owner’s home in Krasnoyarsk! Maru nearly made the 125-mile trek and certainly would have made the rest of the way if she didn’t injure her paws. The canine was also found to have a broken jaw, both of which she is being treated for.

The good news is, however, that she was, fortunately, able to survive wild wolves and bears, which are not uncommon along the route she took. Alla her breeder was relieved to discover that the dog was mostly safe and sound after her long, potentially dangerous travels. In fact, Alla was so happy that she was in tears. She is one lucky pup!

It’s clear that Maru’s loyalty and dedication run strong. According to Alla, “I’m sure she was looking for her house. She did not run to Novosibirsk; she wanted to go back to where she lived.”

As of now, Maru is back living with Alla. Whether Alla is her permanent owner or not, all we know is that she deserves the best forever home. She truly deserves it!

Meet Maru in the video below. She is so sweet; she will melt your heart in an instant!

Source: Reshareworthy

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