Talented Man Sings Chilling Rendition Of “Bohemian Rhapsody”

Marc Martel, YouTube

I think it’s safe to say that when we love a song so much we’re interested in hearing it in as many versions as possible. I know this statement stands true for me. I always find myself listening to various versions of my favorite song to see who sang it best. There are times that the original goes unmatched, but I’ve heard a couple of variations in which the other singer added a unique twist to the song and made it sound so much better.

But, I don’t know if I have heard any singer come close to successfully singing a Freddie Mercury song better than the singer himself. I know there have been multiple up-and-coming singers who have tried, but not many have come close. I always prefer Freddie’s original songs over the renditions.

But, Marc Martel may be on to something here with his voice and style. This musician recently took to the camera and decided to pay a tribute to the famous singer by recording his own version of everyone’s favorite “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Although he’s paying a tribute to the star singer, Marc adds twists of his own to the cover, making it his own and unique.

I’ve said before that it’s difficult for singers to come close to Freddie’s vocals, but, I think Marc is as close as one can get. He’s been singing Freddie’s songs for years, starting off by entering a contest spearheaded by members of the Queen band themselves. He then sang his first cover of “Somebody To Love” and he ended up nailing the song and winning the contest! I think it was then that the young singer understood that he had it in him to take on Freddie’s songs like not many others could.

That contest was just the beginning for Marc because he then ended up being the frontman for a Queen tribute show; this experience led him to make his own tribute show called the Ultimate Queen Celebration.

Coming back to the video at the end of this article, it’s something that you don’t want to miss. Once you hear Marc singing “Bohemian Rhapsody,” you’ll know why we think that he is the closest someone gets to the original. His voice is powerful and different. He has excellent range and hits all the notes with ease. But, don’t just take our word for it!

Click on the video below to catch Marc in his best element!

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