Obese Man Turns His Life Around To Marry His High School Sweetheart

We all want to look good on our wedding day. Even for those who wish to dress simplistically on their big day, they still want to look well put-together. Looking good at your wedding is important as not only will you want to look back on the photos of your special day and feel confident in your appearance, but how you present yourself on this day can come to resemble the amount of effort you put into getting ready for one of the biggest moments of your life. Nobody wants to look like they’ve just rolled out of bed and slapped on an outfit in under five minutes!

But for some brides and grooms, it’s not just about nice clothing, freshly-styled hair, fine accessories, and/or the right makeup that do the trick. Some future brides and grooms go the extra mile to amp up their appearance before their wedding: fake nails, professional beard-grooming, teeth-whitening, or in John Allaire’s case, a massive weight transformation!

John had been with his love, Caila, since high school. The two were one another’s first romantic partner, and a decade later, the cute couple was still together, stronger than ever before. That’s when John popped the question to his high school sweetheart, and she said yes!

However, John had one problem: he felt that his weight would be a problem for Caila. While she never said anything about his body and loved him regardless, the fact that he gained weight rapidly throughout their relationship left him worried that the love of his life would no longer find him attractive. That’s when John promised to himself that he’d be slim on his wedding day.

Before getting started, John weighed himself for the first time in years. He was 540 pounds. Food addiction, unhealthy diet choices, and lack of physical activity got him to this point. John knew that in order to have a healthy body mass index (BMI), he’d have to lose 315: over half his current body weight! Regardless of the challenge, John stayed true to his journey, and Caila stuck by his side the entire time.

The groom-to-be started by cutting out unhealthy foods from his diet, juicing regularly, and going on long walks at least three times a week. His weight began to slowly drop. Eventually, he was able to weigh himself on a normal scale and no longer had to use an industrial fish scale.

While John was on the path to something great, something not-so-great happened: he was laid off from work. The stress from losing a job worried John that he’d start turning back to junk food and drop his weight loss journey for good. Instead, his job loss gave him more time to focus on aiming for the weight of his dreams.

With extra time on his hands, John joined a fitness training camp, which helped him lose weight even faster. Then just weeks prior to his set wedding date, he lost the 315 pounds he’d been hoping for! Nobody recognized him.

Although John was successful, there was one issue that still remained: he had a lot of extra skin, which alone weighed 20 pounds. No longer having health insurance since losing his job, John was desperately trying to find ways to afford excess skin removal surgery. Fortunately, the television show, The Doctors, came across his story on YouTube and paid for his surgery.

John got two wishes: to marry his high school sweetheart and to walk down the aisle as a slim groom.

Shortly after getting married, John got another job, and the newly-wedded couple moved to Japan. John not only enjoys his new job, location, and wife but is loving his new, healthier lifestyle.

John has a great success story that’s incredibly encouraging for those looking to achieve a difficult goal in life! His story also reminds us that some things (e.g., his loss of a job) happen for a reason. When one door closes, another door opens!

Watch below to learn more about his weight transformation.

Source: Relieved

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