New Homeowner Rescues Dog Chained In Basement

As the proud owner of rescue dogs, it breaks my heart to think of what they had to go through before they found their forever home with me. Hopefully, it was not as bad as what Jumping Bean the pit bull experienced. Jumping Bean’s rescuers received a phone call that brought them to her.

The conversation went something like this: “I just bought a house, and there is a pit bull chained up in the basement. I’m not sure how long it’s been down there. I’ll send a friend over there to let you in,” the caller said. 

“When we opened the door to the basement and shined our flashlight down, we saw a wagging tail,” Stray Rescue of St. Louis Communications Director Natalie Thomson said. The poor dog was beyond excited to see that someone had finally arrived to rescue her.

“We went downstairs to see where this dog had been living for an unknown period of time,” said her rescuers. “Her chain was short; there was a lot of poop, showing she had been down there for a while.”

“There were no food or water bowls that we could see,” Thomson said. “She was not spayed and had no microchip.”

Though she had been neglected,  the dog, Jumping Bean, has nothing but love for everyone she meets. She can be seen wagging her tail and smiling as she rides in a car away from the place she could have died. Happy, outgoing Jumping Bean is looking forward to a new life in a home that will love and care for her.

“Her personality is completely adorable,” Natalie said. “She loves everyone she meets and craves attention. She makes sure she is not ignored! She’s an energetic and very affectionate pup! She is so happy all the time.”

Watch Jumping Bean’s rescue story in the video below and please like and share if you agree that she deserves a loving home!


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