Man Uses Train To Help Foster Dogs Explore Their Town

Caring for rescue animals is a difficult but rewarding endeavor. I love nothing more to see the story of a neglected, unloved dog finding a forever family and a happily-ever-after. All of those stories are wonderful and special, but some touch my heart just a little more.

Eugene Bostick of Fort Worth, TX began rescuing dogs after his retirement. He has rescued and fostered many dogs, providing them with a place to live. He also has a clever way for them to go on adventures. 

Eugene shared how he started rescuing dogs: “We live down on a dead-end street, where me and my brother have a horse barn,” Eugene told The Dodo. “People sometimes come by and dump dogs out here, leaving them to starve. So, we started feeding them, letting them in, taking them to the vet to get them spayed and neutered. We made a place for them to live.”

Then, he had an idea for a way for his dogs to get out and about — and it’s the most adorable thing ever.

“One day I was out and I seen this guy with a tractor who attached these carts to pull rocks. I thought, ‘Dang, that would do for a dog train,’ ” said Eugene. “I’m a pretty good welder, so I took these plastic barrels with holes cut in them, and put wheels under them and tied them together.”

Eugene’s dogs love going for rides in their little train. Understandably, the town and the kids love it, as well.

“Whenever they hear me hooking the tractor up to it, man, they get so excited,” said Eugene. “They all come running and jump in on their own. They’re ready to go.”

I can’t get enough of Eugene, his dogs, the train, and this heartwarming story. Watch the train in action in the video below!

Source: Shared

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