Man’s Test Of Mini Taser Goes Comically Wrong

Warning: Do not try this at home. These words may have been written on the product, but for Tony Welch, he thought he would give it a try. Now, his logic is sound, but what happened next just proves that having a little faith here and there hurts way less in the long run.

Tony was thinking of his wife’s safety when he bought her a protective device to keep in her purse to use in an emergency as a last resort. It was a pocket-sized 100,000-volt taser, and as he describes, “…it’s about 5” long, less than ¾ of an inch in circumference (loaded with two itsy, bitsy AAA batteries); pretty cute, really, and I’m thinking to myself, ‘no possible way!’”

But humans are curious, and we like to learn from our mistakes. If we don’t see it with our own eyes, is it really true? And at the end of the day, Tony was looking out for his wife, right?

“But if I was going to give this thing to my wife to protect herself against a mugger, I did want some assurance that it would work as advertised.”

And so the following detailed Facebook status is an in-depth account of what happens when you taser yourself. Tony explains everything about his harrowing experience, from start to finish, and even his cat Leo makes a guest appearance. It’s a wild journey that is written in hilarious and clever detail, and stands as a reminder to taser the bad guy, but please, not yourself!!

Read on below to get all the fun bits of Tony’s bad decision. It’s worth the read, and guaranteed to make you really laugh out loud! I read it three times and still had tears welling up each time.


Now, wasn’t this a hilarious account? I don’t know if I’d trust this man with a taser while he’s home alone, though!

Source: Reshareworthy

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