Mama Corgi Is Devastated When All 7 Puppies Die At Birth. Then She Takes In Look-Alike Baby.

Birth is a glorious miracle! It truly is. And all mothers, animals or human, feel the same love and excitement when it comes to expecting. The same emotions are felt across the board like anticipation, connectedness, hope, love, and oh so much more! There’s no denying that being an expecting mother comes with a flurry of emotions, even for a dog.

But, when things don’t go according to plan, a whole new set of emotions comes into play. Irma the adorable, sable-colored Corgi went into labor when it suddenly went from exciting to devastating.

The pup was expecting a litter of seven little furry bundles of joy when owner Johanna sensed something was wrong. Irma was immediately rushed to the veterinarian’s office for an emergency c-section when the doctors determined they couldn’t help Irma. All seven of her puppies died.

Irma was brought home absolutely beside herself. She was traumatized and in a state of deep depression and grief. She was ready and willing, completely prepared to be a mother and bring her tiny puppies into this world. Even Johanna’s spirits were downtrodden, but not to the extent of her pup’s. Johanna knew she had to do something to lift Irma out of her funk. She had an idea.

Because the dog was so sad about losing her puppies, Johanna thought that adoption would be the next best thing. Her idea was put into motion when an opportunity came up in the form of a two-week-old kitten, in need of a mom and a loving home. What’s better is that this ball of fur has the same color of fur as Irma! They look like a match, making for a more seamless connection and bond!

Understandably, Irma was a little confused at first. She couldn’t quite piece together what this similar looking thing was. It looks small and cute and appears to have the same coloring, but it doesn’t move like a puppy. Or, sound like one. It’s a little more rambunctious and has a longer tail and pointier ears. As confused as the new mom was, she eventually took quite a liking to the kitten, slipping into her role as a mom very easily. Now, the two are bonded for life! What was once a terribly sad story now has a very happy middle and end!

Click below to watch these two find love in a hopeless place.

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