Makeover Guy Breaks Rule To Make Couple Look Like Fashion Models

It’s not difficult to forget about your outward appearance. Sure, as humans, we’re pretty visual, and we live in a world where looks are important. But there are just some times when cutting your hair gets put at the bottom of the list.

We could all do with a makeover or a little freshening up to our look. That’s exactly why Jane and her husband have sought out Makeover Guy, Christopher Hopkins. While he normally only works on women, today, he’s got a 2-for-1 package deal which is something he doesn’t normally do! Spoiler alert, it looks really good in the end!

These two are hilarious and have been married for 33 years. They’ve been together since high school and joke around that the husband was pretty immature back then. He was pursuing all the older girls that he liked, especially the older ones, but no girl was taking him seriously. Since no one wanted to give him a chance, he figured he’d just start proposing to everyone. That’s got to be more serious, right? He likes to joke around that when he met Jane, he proposed to her and says, that she wasn’t the first woman he proposed to, but she was the first person who didn’t say no. And now? Jane says he’s still immature. Maybe that’s because she’s two years older, and they got together when she was a freshman and he was a junior.

Just before the “freshening up,” Jane says she doesn’t want him to look too good or else he’ll get a big head. So what do they look like after? Pretty freaking amazing!

Their looks have been updated and made to be a little more modern. About her husband, Jane says it best, “I think he looks fabulous. I told him he could be on GQ.” And she’s not wrong. He looks clean-cut and suave. Years have been shaved off his appearance, and he does have a bit of a male-model quality going on! Jane looks like a million bucks too, as her husband sings her praises, saying how beautiful she is. Her face is bright and cherry, her hair shorter and spunky. The two are quite the pair. He even gives her a lovey-dovey look then gets up as if to leave while saying, “We gotta go….” These two are too sweet, and they look really good!

Click to watch their awesome makeover!

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