Owner Comically Tricks Picky Dog Into Eating Her Food

I’m an insatiable foodie. To me, all food (with very few exceptions) is yummy. Even as a child I’d eat it all – mushrooms, artichokes, asparagus, you name it! I’d even eat other people’s food if they didn’t like what was on their plate.

So while I can’t relate to a picky eater, I have come across a few in my life, and I’ve witnessed their pickiness firsthand. It’s hard to watch! But there are ways around it, especially if you’re a dog. And, because they say dogs have the intelligence of a 2-year-old, this clever trick might actually even work on a toddler for a little bit, until they catch on!

Luna is a selective eater. She’s very particular and doesn’t eat just anything that’s plopped into her food bowl. This video opens up to the beautiful golden retriever sticking her nose in a bowl of dog food that isn’t really doing it for her. She’s poking around, unimpressed. All too familiar with this situation, her owner reaches down to grab the bowl. He knows what to do.

He takes the bowl and brings it into the kitchen, telling her he’s going to cook it. She gets excited and follows him into the next room. Really, all he does is put it into the oven, set the timer for one minute, and bingo – he doesn’t even turn the oven on! Dog food “cooked” and ready for Luna who laps it up.

This is a really nifty trick. And saves on dog food!

Click below to watch this dog food chef whip up something special.

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