Mama Dog Rescues Pups After Den Fills With Water

It’s fairly common knowledge that a mother will go to the ends of the earth to look after her babies. It is her strongest instinct to care for the little ones that she has brought into this world. This is true not just for humans, but for the animal kingdom, as well.

There’s a good reason that a strong, extremely protective mother is called a “Mama Bear.” When a mother bear’s cubs are threatened, she will stop at nothing to keep them safe. Even if it means putting herself in danger; she never thinks twice about it.

A dog named Lu in Vietnam showed everyone what a mother’s love and devotion was all about. Lu had four puppies in a den that was located slightly underground. It should have been a safe place, but unfortunately, a huge storm blew through and filled the den with water.

With all four puppies trapped in the rising floodwater, the situation did not look good. However, Lu was not willing to give up. Soaking wet and clearly panicked, Lu went to work, digging as hard as she could to get her puppies out of that hole. Fortunately, she also had the help of a nearby human.

What looked like a situation that would definitely end badly, actually ended up working out. Lu was able to free her puppies.

After the dramatic rescue, Lu’s owner reported that all of the puppies were safe. “There were four that she brought back out of the hole. They all survived, and they have recovered. I’m sure there are no more because the mother would never have left them.”

Folks have a lot of feelings about this rescue mission and shared them in the comments of the video:

“That poor Mother was absolutely frantic. She must have used up every ounce of energy she had to save her little ones. Animals need more credit for their intelligence. Thanks to that kind man for helping her.”

“What an awesome mom dog. She was determined. Oh my gosh, now that’s a true mama! God bless her, the puppies, and the gentleman who helped save them.”

“She is such a great momma. I cried watching this because you can see the distress she was in, but she got them and her human kept her baby alive. Awesome video.”

Watch Mama Lu rescue her puppies in the video below. It has a happy ending, so please like and share!

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