Beagle Can’t Contain His Excitement To See Baby Sister, So Mom Opens The Door

When it comes time to bring a new pet home for the first time, we’re eager to see how our other pet will react to it. The first meet and greet can go very good or very bad; there’s really no in between. Of course, we anticipate that once our old pet and our new pet come face to face for the first time, they will instantly become best buds. After all, one of the reasons we adopt another pet, to begin with, is often to give our current pet company, so we certainly want the two to get along. Fortunately for the owner in one viral video, we witness their old beagle and a new baby beagle becoming very good pals right off the bat.

Peering through a window to the backyard, Louie the beagle sticks his head out far in curiosity as he sees Marie the baby beagle for the first time ever. Louie begins swiftly wagging his tail, shifting in place, and whimpering as he desperately wants to meet Marie.

The second the owner opens the sliding door to the yard, Louie darts out. The two beagles give one another plenty of stiffs once they come in direct contact with one another. So far, so good!

My favorite part of the clip is when Louie follows little Marie around the tight perimeter of an outdoor patio in the backyard. They may not be all that familiar with each other yet, but they’re already inseparable.

Next, we witness the two engaging in a session of play. The canines play tag with one another, reminding me of children on a playground. For her tiny legs, Marie is sure a good runner, although she can’t quite keep up with her big brother just yet!

Another great part of the video is when the beagles’ owner throws a rope toy to them, and Louie takes off with it and decides to intentionally forfeit the toy to Marie, knowing that with her shorter legs, she would not have much of a chance of stealing it from him. What a sweet and thoughtful beagle!

All in all, watching the interactions between Louie and Marie is too cute for words. I know the two will be the best of friends for life! These canines are the perfect example of how we hope our pets will interact with each other when they meet for the very first time.

Watch the two beagles meet and play with one another in the video below! Aren’t they just adorable together?

Source: Reshareworthy

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