Lost Puppy At Sea, Miraculously Found Alive And Reunited With Happy Owner

The phrase “needle in a haystack” is what comes to mind, except replace the term needle with a 15-pound Jack Russell Terrier and the haystack with the 1.6 million km² Gulf of Mexico. It was a miraculous rescue that was all about being in the right place at the right time.

The incident started out as a typical birthday tradition in which two couples set out to sea on their boat from Hernando Beach, Florida. They were five miles out as the sun was setting when they noticed something small moving in the distance. When they got closer, what looked like a little buoy bobbing around turned out to be a stranded dog in a tiny orange, animal life vest. 

They lifted the exhausted-looking dog into their boat and radioed the coast guard. They learned that the missing dog had been reported lost at sea by his worried owner three hours earlier.

Upon returning to shore, the dog was brought in to the coast guard, and the delighted and relieved owner came running, with tears in his eyes, to be reunited with his beloved pup, Jagermeister. The boaters are confident it was the life vest that saved him.

So, how did the dog find himself alone and in the middle of the ocean? The owner had to briefly go down into the boat’s bilge to check on something, and when he returned, the dog was gone. He looked and looked, trying to locate his pup, but genuinely thought he was gone, losing hope after searching for him for as long as he could.

Click below to see the full story of a lucky little puppy who is happy to be alive!

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