It’s a big, big world out there with no shortage of places to get lost in. Especially in a city with plenty of winding roads and alleys, streets that seem to go on forever, and little nooks and crannies that start here but end up way over there. And that’s just for humans! What about dogs? Pups are friendly and love to explore, but they’re much smaller in a world built for humans. There’s no telling where one could end up or run off to – even if they are well trained and behaved, all it takes is a second of not paying attention.
Just like what happened to this poor Siberian Husky who was reported missing to Israeli police. He wandered away from his home in the city of Be’ersheva in southern Israel, into a neighboring town.
When a cop found him, the dog looked like he had been walking for days. He appeared worn down, tired, hungry, and out of steam. The cop also found him in the next city over, so when he saw the dog, the cop wasn’t entirely sure if it was the same husky. There was one defining fact, however. The owner mentioned that if the dog heard his favorite song, the theme tune from the country’s popular sitcom “Shemesh,” he would start to sing along.
And so the cop complied. The cop first played a tune that wasn’t the specific song, just for experimental purposes. Then he played the actual song, and right on cue, the dog started to sing! Howling and happy, singing and delighted, this pup immediately perked up. The first half of the video is the discovery of the dog and his singing, followed by the cute reunion of owner and canine.
Click below to watch this really clever discovery! What a smart doggy!