Los Angeles Firefighters Put On Their Dancing Shoes To Get New Legs For Little Girl

Everyone has it in them to dance. For some, it’s a little, for others it’s a lot. There’s no such thing as two left feet either – sometimes maybe it’s even just snapping your fingers or bobbing your head.

However you dance, and whatever amount you’re physically able to dance, this is the story of a little girl who is trying her darndest to dance, against all the odds. And she’s got a pretty solid crew to back her up while she does it.

Two-year-old Finley Smallwood from California was adopted by her parents Christina and Josh Smallwood when Finley was born prematurely. Finley has cerebral palsy and is unable to walk without the help of a stretcher.

But this little girl is exceptional and has been determined to dance since she saw Ellen Degeneres dancing on TV. To help Finley overcome her limitations, the Smallwoods and friends created “Dare to Dance,” an initiative to bring together local social media networks to dare to dance to raise money to help finance surgery for Finley’s legs.

What started as a blog video of mom and Finley, quickly picked up speed, getting the attention of Covina Police Department and the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) who wanted to dance to help raise awareness for the cause. Within one week of launching the LAFD video, the Smallwoods were halfway to their $60,000 goal to pay for the costly surgery.

Click below to have a look at the delightful video of what happens when people come together in a beautiful act of kindness.

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