Koko, the great ape, is cared for by The Gorilla Foundation, an organization geared towards bridging the gap between animals and humans, with a focus on empathy, conservation, and care. Project Koko is the organized program centered around the education and communication of Koko, as a way to generate awareness for her and her species.
Koko never had babies of her own, and as a result grew sad and withdrawn, her maternal instincts prompting her desire to want to have babies and bear offspring. Koko dreamed of motherhood – she knows how to hold bottles in her hands, can mimic rocking and is aware how to sign the word, “baby.”
Then one day, workers from the organization brought Koko something that would greatly affect her mood and overall well-being. She was given a box of kittens! Kittens she could hold and touch, play and form a bond with. In the video, Koko holds one of the delicate kittens, Ms. Gray, in her hand, and then signals to the worker to place Ms. Gray on her head.
Ms. Black is another kitten that took quite a liking to Koko, the two getting along famously. Koko ended up adopting both and learned the signal for “cat” so she can play with her furry feline babies.
Since the introduction of the kittens, Koko has been signing more and displaying an uplifted, brighter attitude. She appears happier and happy to spread the love and take care of babies. Whether they are hers or not, this gorilla’s nurturing instinct runs deep.
Watch her be the perfect mom in the video below!