I remember when my baby brother was firstborn. I was two and everything was so different all of a sudden. Things seemed busier in the house, there were so many new toys I wasn’t allowed to touch, and there were rooms in the house that I was no longer allowed to go inside. It was weird, mainly because I didn’t understand what was going on.
Soon enough, my parents explained that some things belonged to the baby and that I just had to be careful around him so I don’t hurt him, unintentionally of course. The more I understood that I now had another family member to play with, the more excited I got. I would make plans to do things with my brother when he’s a little bit older. For example, when he starts walking, we’ll just open the door to the backyard and spend all day on our swingset. I was so excited.
Typically for firstborns, it can be difficult giving up their position as the one and only. Not being an only child anymore means sharing toys and sharing parents’ love and affection. And, what about getting along with the new sibling? There are always questions surrounding the addition of a little bundle of joy to the family.
Fortunately, for new baby Tommy, his big brother Ehan has made plans for the two of them to basically take over the world together.
Mom and dad got it right – when introducing a new baby to the family, it’s best to acquaint the older child with their new younger sibling. This is valuable bonding time that helps bridge the gap between children, establishing a more solid relationship down the line.
And as it stands right now, looks like these two are in it for the long run! It’s really adorable how they appear inseparable already. As Ehan is cradling Tommy, he asks the newborn what he wants to be when he grows up, to which Ehan promptly answers back to himself. He fills in the blanks, saying that Tommy wants to fight fires with him, and they will do it together.
Then Ehan continues to add that Tommy wants to be an astronaut – even better – a fireman and astronaut at the same time, side by side, big bro and little bro. Even in mom’s voice, her reaction sounds so pleased, saying how nice that would be.
Click the link below to see just how ambitiously cute this one-way conversation is!