Little Boy Helps Mom With Making A Grocery List

There are some days that I just don’t want to do the groceries. Those are the evenings that I give the responsibility to my husband, although I am 100% sure that he is sure to forget at least two or three items that I had listed off. He makes a list of everything, but for some reason he still forgets — men will be men, I guess!

The little man in the video below is also making a grocery list. The moment she says it’s time to go on a trip to the store, Chrystal’s toddler son quickly runs to get a paper and pen so he can jot down what mommy needs — it has to be one of the cutest things ever!

The kicker in the entire video has to be his Southern accent. As he repeats all the items each time his mom asks him to write them down, the little boy’s accent has you “aww-ing” all over his speech! So, be prepared to listen to some of the cutest words spoken by a toddler — “taco stuff” and “lettuce” just to name a few.

Studies show that children pick up their parents’ dialect at as early as six months of age. They’ll take in everything that’s being said to them in their early stages, and as soon as they’re able to talk, you’ll hear mom and dad’s lilt and/or accent in the baby’s speech. It’s so interesting to see how the world works, isn’t it?

Click on the link below and watch the little boy write mommy’s grocery list in the cutest way you may ever see!

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lile1 4 years ago
Sorry, couldn't understand a word....
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