When I first saw this little boy on a big drum set, I figured he had just managed to crawl his way there and find a cool spot to hang out. After all, the set is five times his size – the boy can barely reach, and the sticks in his hands are half the size of him!
After realizing that he might actually be playing the drums, and not just sitting around in them, I was seriously mistaken and very impressed. He’s so mini, yet his talent is going to be huge!
This is 23-month-old Howard Wong, perched on dad’s full-sized drum set. The video opens with cute little Howard clutching two drumsticks better than most adults I know. His dad cues him in (this is where Howard turns his head to face his dad and give him a big smile that squishes his darling little face), and off he goes! This percussion prodigy is keeping time like a pro! Howard is making the rest of us wish we had all started at his age.
He is unafraid. Not even slightly nervous! He’s cool, calm and collected and able to keep in perfect time. Howard’s playing is solid so dad can play the melody without a hitch, both of them are in sync and playing beautiful music together. He even goes back and forth between the snare drum and effect cymbals, giving listeners a little layering and sound differentiation. And just when the song ends, Howard, the cheeky little musician, ups the ante by putting his spin on things! He finishes with a huge grinning face.
Click below to see this child prodigy in action, and catch him add in his own personal touch at the end.