You know that feeling you get when you finally get to see someone you love after a long period of time? Yes, the feeling of reconciliation, pure joy, and peace. In a way, we feel complete since we’re finally able to meet the person we’ve been longing to see for a while.
However, it’s not just humans that can feel a sense of reconnection when meeting back up someone. In this viral video and story, we witness a chimpanzee by the name of Limbani getting reunited with some special humans, and we can instantly tell that he has many emotions going on!
Before delving into the viral video, some background information would be helpful. Limbani the chimp, while currently well-cared for at the Zoological Wildlife Foundation in Miami, had a struggle early on in his life as his mother rejected him when he was born. Because Limbani had pneumonia, it became clear that only humans would be able to help him get better at this rate.
One married couple, Jorge and Tania, were two important individuals who assisted the sick chimp in his time of need, eventually leading to his full recovery. But little Limbani had not seen the couple in a while — that was all about to change!
The chimp was taken to see Jorge and Tania in a recently-posted video that has already reached over 100,000 views. In the footage, Limbani bounces up and down while screeching in excitement when he sees Jorge, then giving him a big, tight hug. His reaction is the same when he sees Tania. It’s too cute for words!
Limbani has this same exact reaction even when he doesn’t see the couple for just a few months. He adores Jorge and Tania and clearly remembers that they played a significant part in his life.
This is a wonderful story to prove those wrong who believe animals do not have a good memory or that they can’t feel what humans can feel.
Today, Limbani is a very healthy, happy, and intelligent chimp! He knows how to wash his own hands and take a shower. He even wears diapers and clothing.
It’s always wonderful to hear a happy story of an animal making a dramatic turnaround for the better!
Be sure to watch the reunion of Limbani and his human friends below. If you thought it was sweet, be sure to like and share the footage!