Young Girl Belts Out An Opera Classic And All Judges Say Yes

There are some people who are just born to sing. They do it all the time, whether they notice it or not. It becomes second nature right after breathing, and it’s a part of their everyday routine. Leah Barniville from Ireland is 14-years-old and she knows all about this. She can’t stop singing, and hasn’t since she was able to form words! Now she’s on “Britain’s Got Talent,” ready to show the world what she’s been working on her entire life.

Leah’s passion is obvious, and everyone in her family knows it. “I can’t stop singing. I still sing when I study and sing when I brush my teeth and sing when I’m trying to go to sleep. My dad tells me to stop because I’m usually singing in the kitchen and he’s upstairs and he bangs the floor and I just hear ‘thud, thud’ and I should stop.”

Ready to perform her heart out, Leah’s family sits in the audience, eager to watch her routine. Simon gives her the go ahead, and off she goes. She’s chosen to sing the Italian opera piece, “Carusa” by Lucio Dalla. And, she really outdoes herself. Her stage presence is on point, showing no fear or nerves, just radiating pure joy and exhilaration to be there.

This was her big break and she chose a difficult song to pull off, but from the moment she opens her mouth, Leah commands everyone’s attention. Not only are the judges smitten, but it’s also the teary-eyed reaction of her little brother that really pulls at everyone’s heartstrings. He’s so admiring of his big sister, proud that she’s such a star!

Her dazzling performance comes to an end and she’s well received by the judges and audience members. Everyone gives her a resounding yes, except Simon, who gives her way more and says, “I thought that was honestly incredible and you’re 14 years old. You don’t know how good you are. A billion percent yes.”

Since Simon is such a tough critic, I’m sure that the teenager was nervous to hear what he had to say. It came as a relief, even to me, to know that he enjoyed it so much. It’s always nice to hear good things come out of his mouth.

Click below to watch Leah’s stunning opera voice come to life.

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