Rescue Dog Hysterically Fails Agility Challenge, But He Makes The Audience Smile

The thing about rules is that they’re not always fun to follow. Sure, you can have an entire detailed plan set out in front of you, but the truth is that a little detour never hurt anyone. Every now and then you have to abandon the rules and have a little bit of fun.

Life isn’t always meant to be taken so seriously. Kraftu, the dog in the video down below, clearly agrees with that statement. Kraftu is a rescue dog, but despite his hard beginning, he’s decided that his life is going to much happier now. You can tell from the video, but first, let’s talk a bit more about Kraftu’s past.

Kraftu, a mixed breed dog, was in an abusive situation, but he was rescued by a UK-based rescue group called Wood Green. At eighteen months, he found a home with Tessa Eagle Swan.

Tessa took Kraftu to Crufts to participate in the Rescue Dog Agility challenge. You might expect us to say he followed the course perfectly, but it was actually the fact that he didn’t do such thing that made this video popular.

The first obstacle of the challenge is jumping over a bar. Kraftu obviously didn’t like that. He completely runs past it, circles around, and then finally jumps over it. He then jumps over the second bar, but instead of running to the next, he runs directly to some women seated nearby before going back to the course.

He skips to the next obstacle. There, lined up, are sticks he must cross like a slithering snake—right, then left, and so on. Kraftu, of course, doesn’t want to do that.

Instead, he walks right beside them next to Tessa. The entire audience laughs.

However, it’s the next thing that really makes you laugh. Kraftu is supposed to crawl into a tube. In through one side, out through the other, right? Wrong, Kraftu would say.

He runs in right away, but while you expect him to come out through the other side, he actually crawls out of the same side he came in from! Even the commentators laugh along to this one.

Miraculously, after that, he does the rest of the obstacle course quickly and without a mistake. We absolutely loved this video, and we think you will too! If you’d like to see it, click down below! Personally, we rate Kraftu 10/10 for quality entertainment.

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