9-Year-Old Boy Diagnosed With Cerebral Palsy Successfully Completes Marathon With His Walker

Life is full of obstacles. Sometimes it can seem like there is no way around them, and we begin to get discouraged. It’s only human to want to give up when things go wrong. But what we don’t realize is that we have so much more potential than we might realize. If we work a little longer and try a little harder, it can lead to some great outcomes.

9-year-old Tobias Weller recently learned that lesson. Tobias, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and autism at a young age, never thought he’d be completing a marathon. Recently, though, the determined boy was successful in finishing a 26.2-mile distance marathon in Sheffield, northern England on May 31, 2020.

Tobias took the big challenge after being inspired by the 99-year-old war veteran who walked several laps around his yard to help raise money for the UK’s National Health Service.

Initially, Tobias planned on attending a kilometer (0.6-mile) walk around a nearby park, but it ended up being canceled due to the C*********s lockdown. Then, later on, he decided to go bigger and go for a full-on marathon instead.

Although, there was one issue: Tobias cannot walk or stand without assistance. But rather than giving up on his dream, he decided to complete the marathon with the help of his walker. Little by little, day by day, he would walk within his neighborhood until he walked the entire 26.2 miles.

“…I thought why don’t I use my walker to try to complete a marathon by walking up and down my street every day?” the boy said.

At first, Tobias was walking about 164 feet a day, but towards the end of his approximate 70-day challenge, Tobias was walking about a half-mile each day. For a young boy diagnosed with a neurological condition, that’s very impressive!

After Tobias completed his goal, he was completely thrilled.

“I can’t believe I completed a marathon, it’s just awesome,” he said.

And his neighbors were there to support him every step of the way.

“I love it when my neighbors clap and cheer for me. I’m getting stronger and stronger every day. It’s such a good feeling.”

Not only is Tobias happy to have achieved such an amazing objective, but after walking the marathon, he was able to raise over $100,o00 for Sheffield Children’s Hospital and Paces School. (His original goal was about $40,000 in U.S. dollars.) The money he raised will help the school assist both kids and adults with neurological conditions.

Tobias’s mother, Ruth Garbutt, couldn’t be more proud.

“I’m so, so pleased that he’s completed his marathon. He’s done really well. He’s tried so hard all the way through. He’s really achieved a massive goal,” she said. “I’m bursting with pride for my little boy. He’s just magnificent.”

Momma Ruth also shared that she and her son are planning on continuing walking. Their goal now is to reach 31 miles. Wow!

Like Mom, we’re also bursting with pride. Learn more about Tobias’s marathon below. He’s definitely tough, determined, and consistent.

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