Man Parks In The Middle Of Traffic To Help Grandpa Cross The Street

It’s not hard for me to get irritated while driving. I can get a little agitated when someone cuts me off or takes forever to parallel park. And when someone is Sunday driving during Monday morning rush hour, trying to multitask with one hand on the wheel and the other holding their scalding hot coffee, I take notice. And, if someone parks their big truck across two lanes of traffic, that’s one sure fire way to really get under any driver’s skin. What on earth would possess someone to do that?

But, if I were to practice a little more patience (and I’m sure all drivers could practice a little more patience…), taking that extra moment to reflect instead of reacting would lead to less aggression on the road, and open my eyes to some pretty awesome acts of kindness!

E’Ondria Weems was in her car cruising down the highway trying to beat the rain, when she got stuck at a standstill in Griffin, Georgia, USA. Traffic seemed to come to a complete stop, and for no apparent reason. There wasn’t an accident, no construction, no detours, no tow-trucks, no sign of immediate danger or urgency. Everything seemed fine, minus everyone stopping in the middle of a highway!

It was when she peered over that she saw a man standing on the road beside his big truck parked across both lanes, effectively blocking traffic from both directions. It took a minute for E’Ondria to piece together what was happening, but she quickly clued in.

The man holding up traffic was Justin Jackson who was driving down the road when he noticed an elderly man trying to cross. Using a walker, the gentleman was slow and struggling to make it over to the other side. However, traffic was at full tilt and zooming by the senior who was having difficulty. Noticing his plight, Justin pulled over to help. “The old man was walking across the street and people were flying by and I was like, I got to stop!” Justin told news station, 11Alive.

As the commotion is going down, E’Ondria saw this as an opportunity to take out her phone and record the act of kindness in motion. “It was so nice of him to do that. Makes you think there are still nice people in this world.” Justin is a dad of five and just wants to set a good example for his kids, two of which were in the truck with him, and watched their kind dad in action.

“It makes me feel good because it’s obviously making other people want to do good, too. And that’s the ultimate goal – make everyone do good.”

Click below to watch this simple act go a long way, and resonate with a lot of people – millions have watched his video, commending him on his chivalry!

Source: ShareTap

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