Josh Groban Brings Internet To Tears With His Beautiful And Uplifting Single

After a particularly stressful day, everyone has their own way of coping. For some, it’s retail therapy or playing with their dog. For me, I like to sweat. Really sweat. I simply put on some loud music and put in my earphones and hit the treadmill or run through my neighborhood. Sometimes jumping in the car and going for a drive helps, and when all else fails, merely changing the scenery and going for a walk in nature works wonders.

It can be so healing to go for a walk, in fact, so much so that Josh Groban writes and sings about it in his new single, “River,” shedding light on a topic that affects all of us. It’s a topic we can all relate to, and one that needs to be sung about.

On his YouTube channel, Josh discusses the inspiration behind his new single: “I haven’t often, if ever, written about some of the more personal demons and the things that feel like you’re the only one going through this. And for people who suffer from anxiety, suffer from depression and suffer from those things, it can feel very isolating and the things that you do to break yourself out of those patterns can sometimes be very simple. Sometimes it really is important to just step outside your front door and go for a walk.”

This uplifting song, as suggested in the title, is about temporarily leaving the pressure and material concerns of life to simply walk down to the river and be surrounded by nature. To be reminded that there’s a bigger plan at work and while we get so caught up in the day to day stresses and tough times that life brings us, there is still peace to be found. Josh says, “‘River’ came about on a literal walk to the river.”

There are several nuggets of wisdom in this inspiring song; knowing that no one is alone, peace and tranquillity can be found where there is nature, and the reminder that “there will be sun when we wake” are just a few of the many gems found in Josh’s writing. It’s a beautiful piece of music with a strong message of hope to just keep going and you will get through it, whatever it is you’re going through. The music video looks dark but it is evocative and paints a picture of pain that heals. Josh’s newest single is sure to become a fast favorite amongst his fans.

Click below to watch the full music video.

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