Kid Pulls Clever Move After Getting Head Stuck In Railing

I’ve seen this happen in movies countless times. I remember neighborhood kids falling victim to this exact circumstance. I’ve heard stories from parents about their kids going through it. I’ve had older friends growing up tell me about how they did this by accident. What am I referring to? Getting your head stuck in a railing.

This has never happened to me before. Partly because it never occurred to me to try it, and probably because I had seen it go awry in movies, and had heard about it from other people so many times, that it totally freaks me out. So, when I watched this video, I cringed a little bit, but this kid is smart. Just when it starts to get a little intense, the kid pulls through with a stroke of genius.

Poor little Joey is outdoors just being a kid and playing in the backyard when curiosity got the best of him. The video opens up to Joey’s head caught between two metal poles in the railing, and mom exclaiming, “Oh Joey, what did you do?” The boy is quite calm considering he’s stuck. The kid is on his knees and mom has the camera out while they wait for dad to show up and handle the situation.

Moments pass and Little Joey is starting to get a bit fussy. Understandably so. He’s been hanging out without the use of his head and he’s probably getting restless, tired, hungry, all of the above! Dad tries to ease him out by pulling gently, but it hurts Joey. He tries to fold down his son’s ears and twist him a bit, but Joey cries. Dad attempts to pull apart the metal to create some space, but no luck. Mom is giggling at this point because it is a little comical. This isn’t a life or death situation, and the worst case scenario is that they cut the metal, but at this point, there’s still time and plenty of hope.

Dad jokes around that they better get out the butter which in my humble opinion, isn’t a bad option. Poor baby looks sad at this point, feeling deflated and stuck. The dogs in the background are confused at this point too, wondering what on earth is going on with these strange humans. Just when they’ve exhausted all options, Joey pulls through in the clutch! He surprises everyone with a trick up his sleeve that gets him out in seconds, unharmed and unscathed. He’s one quick-thinking kid, that’s for sure!

Click the video below to watch Joey get out of a pickle!

Source: Reshareworthy

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