Young Girl Smashes Queen Classic With Performance That Has All 3 Judges Floored!

I’d say Queen is up there when it comes to rock ‘n roll legends. This band’s got it all – vocals, originality, personality and outstanding presence. They’re timeless, their sound never fading or dying out. You can’t help but sing along when a Queen song comes on. At least, I can’t! Their music is so uplifting, and is based on such human emotion, especially “Somebody to Love.” This is one tune everyone can relate to.

Even 13-year-old Jessica R can relate! She stepped on the stage of “The Voice Kids UK” blind auditions, wearing her floral jacket and black leather skirt to belt out the Queen classic. No one expected her to be the hurricane she is! At only 13 years old, this teen harnessed all of her vocal power and confidence to give the performance of a lifetime. You just have to look at the judges’ faces to get a sense of her degree of skill!

From her first note, she captured the attention of judge Pixie Lott, who, appearing very pleasantly surprised, slammed the buzzer not even 15 seconds into Jessica’s performance. The young girl is very confident, not showing a shred of nervousness. She’s got this song pinned down when she reaches the chorus and elongates the first dramatic note. Judge Danny Jones’ face completely lights up, totally amazed at the powerhouse voice he’s hearing from behind him.

And Jessica doesn’t stop there. She continues to belt out the megahit, building suspense and force, reaching the last chorus and absolutely wowing the entire room. Her family, seen backstage, couldn’t be happier, all smiling and thrilled that Jessica’s performance was a resounding success. But it’s right at the end when she really wails, that all judges slam down and turn to face this superstar in the making.

Everyone is impressed and can’t believe their eyes after turning to see the young girl giving it her all. Jessica does a great rendition of a difficult song that Freddie Mercury really made his own. This song is big with big shoes to fill, and Jessica did it with flying colors! You gotta see it to believe it!

They say it’s hard to top the original when the song is a classic hit amongst the masses. I believe in that as well, but Jessica definitely made this one her own and owned it!

Click below to watch this young lady’s talent shine brightly on stage. With three turnarounds, there’s no doubt all the judges fought for her to be on their respective team!

Source: FaithTap

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