Boy Runs Over To Cop And Prays With Him

We tend to think of children as knowing less about the world and the people in it, simply because they haven’t been on earth as long as adults. But, what we may not consider with this line of thinking is that children actually have a unique perspective that isn’t yet shaped by the prejudices of society. Their innocence and “lack” of knowledge allow them to see things in a different light than many adults.

If we take a step back from our own feelings that are based on years of experiences with the good and evil, and our own solid, unwavering opinions, we may see things from a different perspective. We might be able to bridge the gap between people we disagree with or people we view as “different” from us. Maybe, if we take in the world through the eyes of a child, we might see more good in it than we usually would. 

Jaxon Siderius is just six-years-old in this touching video. At this age, Jaxon should be playing with his toys, hanging out with his parents and friends, and having fun. Yet, children hear and absorb more information around them than we realize. Unfortunately, at his age, Jaxon may not have the ability or experience to process specific information. But, he may have a perspective we all can learn from.

Jaxon had been affected by reports of violence against police officers, and his mom had addressed the subject with him and talked to him about it. She told him that police officers risk their lives every day to protect us and that praying for them is one way to help. Little Jaxon took that advice to heart.

On a recent trip to the lake with his family, Jaxon spotted a Montana Highway Patrol Officer. Normally, when you pass a police officer on the road, you do everything you can to avoid being noticed, even if you haven’t done a single thing wrong. Well, Jaxon is a child and doesn’t have this innate fear of law enforcement, and he asked his parents to stop.

They were surprised but did as he asked. Then, the shy little boy approached the police officer to speak with him. He took the officer’s hand and asked him to pray with him. Jaxon’s parents managed to catch the entire, unexpected exchange on video, and it’s quickly going viral for all the right reasons.

Watch the heartwarming story in the video below!

Source: FaithTap

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