Boy Who Went Door To Door Washing Cars Is Gifted With School Supplies

A new school year is already nerve-wracking. You’ve had the whole summer off away from learning, studying and doing homework. It’s a tad bit challenging to get back into the swing of things after so much time off. Now, tack on the added pressure of starting high school at a new school with lots of older kids and new faces – you want to make sure you look and feel good going into this strange new world! You want to feel confident, and ready to learn. You want to be present and make a good impression, and to do that, a little back to school shopping is required.

Fresh sneakers, sharpened pencils, notebooks are items that ensure every student gets off to a good start in September. But, costs add up. This stuff isn’t always readily available, nor is it cheap. And, when you’ve got three siblings who need the same stuff as you, it’s a big stressor on the family.

Javari is from Eatonville, Florida, USA, and is the second oldest of four children. He and his mom needed a solution, and they needed one fast. Luckily, this engineer-wannabe has a pretty resourceful mind and figured he could spend the rest of his summer washing cars for $20 a pop in his neighborhood. Eventually, he would have enough money to help his siblings and himself be prepared to hit the books in a few weeks.

Javari went from door to door, knocking and washing peoples’ vehicles. But, then, everything changed when he got to Jessica Detrick and Jonathan Haltam’s home. From the moment Javari appeared on her doorstep, she happily handed over the $20 bill to have her car washed. However, something didn’t sit right with her. She wanted to do more.

She shares what happened next on Facebook: “This morning a boy knocked on my door asking to wash my car for $20. Instantly I said yes because I’m a sucker for kids. Jonathan Haltam and I proceeded to ask him what he was saving his money up for, he replied, ‘School supplies and school clothes,’ breaking our hearts into a million pieces. [W]e knew we wanted to do more for him…”

“The owner of my job, Jon Proechel, helped me get my shift covered for tonight and donated $100 towards helping Javari get school things! He is going into his freshman year of high school (we all know how nerve-[w]racking that is), he wants to be an engineer and he’s the second-oldest of four siblings. When asked if there was anything specific he wanted, he replied a nice pair of shoes and a scientific calculator. We were able to get him a pair of tennis shoes, slides, a packet of socks, 2 binders, 8 packs of notebook paper, pencils, notebooks, a pencil pouch, a scientific calculator, and a book bag. I am happy, and I am blessed.”

It was all because of the kindness of a couple and her boss that they were able to amass the money needed to get Javari and his family everything they needed! Jessica even continued to fundraise on Facebook and ended up collecting more than $4,400 by the time it ended. Javari’s mom was over the moon grateful for the very generous and kind gesture.

Click below to watch the moment Javari gets a “Christmas morning” in August!

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