Man’s “Different” Voice Turns Only 1 Judge And The Others Regret Not Doing The Same

Amy Winehouse. Seal. Even The Voice judge and lead singer of Maroon 5, Adam Levine. These singers are only three out of the hundreds of thousands of talent out there who are known to have unique voices. They might be considered atypical, unique, strange, but it’s that exact quality that has, ironically, led to their individual success. While the road might be a little harder for them, it’s their different-ness that then becomes their calling card.

Jake Wells is 23-years old from Kansas City, Missouri, and when he performed the slow-moving, heart-stirring “When The Stars Go Blue” by Ryan Adams (and redone by a lot of other brilliantly talented performers), he had everyone’s attention – sort of.

With soulful influences and an inclination towards songwriters (including Justin Vernon, Bon Iver, and Alan Stone), it’s no surprise that the young man is a sum of his experiences. The kid has depth, and with him comes sadness. Realness. Something sardonic but true.

When Jake opened his mouth, judges weren’t sure what to do with it! Kelly mentions she loves the song, but everyone holds back. The audience lets out a cheer, but none of the judges are budging as the singer picks up speed and reaches the chorus. I think he sounds a little like Adam, but hey, I’m not a judge.

I will also say that his voice has an openness to it. While listening to him, to me, his voice conjures up images of running through meadows with my arms wide open, face up towards a brightly lit blue sky. I see open clearings in the vast green forest that then turn into warm campfires beside a lake at night. I hear pain and safety in there too. If his voice sounds “different” it’s because it is. There’s no bubble gum or forced bravado. It’s simple, raw and is diamond in the rough. With a bit of polish and elbow grease, I think he’s got it.

Adam seems to think so too. After no one else turned around, at the last possible second, he slams on the buzzer. Jake’s family is relieved, jumping up and down with excitement, as Adam confesses, “I turned around for one reason. I thought to myself, this dude is different. And I love that about him. And to not reward that on this show would be the antithesis of what this show is.” Way to go Jake!

Click the video below to watch this underdog remain true to himself and his gift.

Source: FaithTap

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