Little Boy Sings “Heartland” At Concert In His Backyard

They say dance like nobody’s watching, but in this case, it’s more like put on a sold-out-country show-for-an-imaginary-crowd-of-thousands like nobody’s watching kind of deal. Not a bad mantra to live by either! Haven’t we all put on a mini-concert when nobody’s watching? I definitely do when I’m driving alone. I turn the radio off, and sing the first song that comes to my head at the top of my lungs!

But as a kid, I have lots of memories of doing what this little legend in the making did in this video. It’s so sweet and adorable! He’s a total cutie pie! I can’t guarantee that I was this good, but nothing is impossible when you’re so young, and in this case, it’s not impossible for this little boy to be the next big country singer!

Oh, the power of make-believe. It’s so important, and it fades with age. But little Jackson here still has it – lots of it! Decked out in cowboy boots and light denim jeans, a red, plaid shirt and an awesome cowboy hat with a pretty, long feather, he looks like the real deal! Let’s not forget to mention the rock n’ roll blue toy guitar he takes out with him, he’s got a lot of star potential, and he’s just a little human — imagine when he’s all grown up!

Jackson is standing on the back stoop with the backyard as his crowded auditorium. Dad is inside, on the sidelines, recording his son’s debut performance in secret. The boy starts with a bow and grabs his guitar. Immediately, he sways side to side, clutching the instrument as he breaks into George Strait’s “Heartland,” from the 90s movie “Pure Country.” Does it get any country-er than this?! I don’t think so! He’s so brilliant; he even knows what song to choose to make an epic debut into the music world.

Jackson puts on a sweet performance, belting the song at the top of his lungs with a country twang and a little foot tap. He’s the whole package. He’s got the lyrics down pat and holds the last note like a pro before getting into his air guitar solo. Jackson’s improvisation is bang on and so enjoyable to watch! I’m happy that dad recorded this impromptu performance. Jackson will love to watch it once he’s all grown up. At least, I hope so!

Click below to see for yourself. Soon enough, he’ll be entertaining throngs of real people in a stadium!

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