Grandma With Alzheimers Is Welcomed With Warm Cuddles And Kisses By Irish Wolfhounds

One’s life can sincerely change within a split second. And if we’re lucky enough to grow old and wrinkly, there is still no guarantee that we’ll live a life of perfect health.

But despite the knocks that we may endure throughout our lives, it’s safe to say that those who have special family and friends will always have a reason to get out of bed in the morning and to smile. For this 76-year-old grandma, she not only has fantastic, loved ones to take care of her but also two selfless and beautiful Irish wolfhounds who love her unconditionally and vice versa.

You see, this lovely lady is living with Alzheimer’s, a condition that slowly destroys one’s memory as well as mental functioning. But one thing that she never fails to remember is her two favorite dogs, Liadan and Mulligan. In fact, she continually asks about these two canines who are always ready for their sweet hugs and kisses; as soon as the two show face, it’s all smiles and joy for everyone involved!

The video has even got social media users gushing with comments like, “Put the biggest smile on my face,” and “That is so heartwarming. To see such joy from the love of two stunning dogs. Alzheimer’s is such a horrible thing to have; it is so lovely to see this lady laughing and happy when she has such a dark condition. Thank you for sharing.”

But don’t take our word for it—watch the encounter in the heartwarming video clip below. If anything, it proves that dogs are such a blessing to humans. With their soft touch, unbiased love, and companionship, it’s no wonder that they bring feelings of excitement, love, and delight to humans and animals alike.

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