Injured Whale Shark Is Trapped In Fishing Rope For Years As Divers Perform Rescue Mission

We are all aware of the potential dangers of oil spills and plastic bags on our sea life when they are exposed to them. Of course, these aspects are not the only things that put sea creatures at risk.

One unfortunate whale shark had been trapped in a commercial fishing rope for perhaps years, as believed due to a deep cut she developed from the consistent pressure and friction of the rope tightly squeezing her body. The shark was fortunate enough that a group of divers came to her rescue one day, as captured in a viral video.

In the video, one single diver takes a pocket knife to cut the enlarged rope off the marine animal as the creature patiently waits. After it gets removed, one notices a nasty, white wound on the shark from where the rope was located.

As a bit of background, whale sharks are non-dangerous sharks that appearance-wise look quite similar to whales, measuring up to 10 meters long. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), whale sharks are considered endangered species, despite no estimated numbers known regarding the amount still living, due to both the sharks’ slow maturation and impacts from fisheries and vessel strikes.

Based on the gone-viral video of the whale shark rescue, it’s little things like this that ensure this species, among other aquatic life, have a shot at avoiding potential extinction.

Everyone can play an essential role in ensuring marine life are protected from various ailments. This all begins with awareness and responsibility. Begin by using less plastic products, adequately disposing or recycling trash as appropriate, reducing your energy consumption, supporting organizations that seek to save sea life, and even picking up trash off of beaches, whether you live near the coast or are just there for a visit.

To witness the beautiful rescue of the trapped shark, see the video below.

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