Man Turns Old Ice Chests Into Cozy Homes For Stray Cats To Use In The Winter

Many of us complain about the colder weather this time of year. Meanwhile, thousands of homeless animals roam around without a warm place to shelter themselves from the same harsh elements we’re lucky enough to be able to avoid.

A man in Ogden, Utah is trying to change the latter problem as much as humanly possible. Philip Rogich, also nicknamed “Batman of Ogden,” discovered an affordable and effective way to create cozy shelters for stray cats. With items like old ice chests and straw, Rogich is able to keep the feral felines of different counties in his state more comfortable during the colder months.

“Straw has been used for hundreds of years for bedding for animals and that’s because it has the ability to dry out,” Rogich explains.

As for the coolers, these offer a sturdy, insulated place for the cats to house in. Not to mention, part of Rogich’s goal is to repurpose these old ice chests that would otherwise be left in landfills, only using used coolers bought from thrift stores and old ice chests received as donations. So, while he’s saving cats’ lives, he’s also doing his part in helping the environment.

Rogich has been creating these shelters, which he calls “cat coolers,” since autumn when the air began to become more chilly. He couldn’t help but think about all the stray kitties that would be struggling once winter arrived. But thanks to him, several stray cats will be happier and cozier this time of year.

In fact, his goal for this year is to make 250 cat coolers. “Two or three cats can fit inside these coolers – sometimes five or six,” says Rogich. That means if he reaches his goal, he’ll be able to keep 500 to 1,500 cats warm!

To help garner the funds to create more kitty coolers, Batman of Ogden set up a fundraiser on Facebook.

“We are raising money and items to make winter shelters for feral cats. You may have seen or heard our story which has made national news. We are using old coolers that would end up in the landfill (they do not decompose) to make our shelters,” he mentions. “We take donations of old coolers, ¾ inch pipe insulation, and money.”

Rogich is a great example of someone who not only advocates change but actually wants to make the change himself.

Watch the FOX 13 News Utah segment of the story below to learn more. And if you’re interested in creating a cat cooler or few for the stray cats in your city, check out Rogich’s Facebook tutorial!

Source: Shareably

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