Husband Decides To Use Truck To Pull Out Tree

We all have days when it feels like nothing is going our way. Everything that we try to do is interrupted by something unexpected or whatever we are trying to accomplish just doesn’t turn out like we thought it would. Those days can range anywhere from amusing to extremely frustrating.

I’ve been having “one of those days,” except it’s lasted for several days. Severe thunderstorms have knocked out our power for two days in a row, and that’s just the beginning! Appointments have been canceled and rescheduled, the yard and gardens are a mess, and I feel like I’ll never have the chance to catch up on everything.

It’s on days like this that I need something to help me smile and remind me that none of this is that big of a deal. I just need to take a deep breath, step back, and remember that sometimes life is difficult, but I really don’t have it that bad. In fact, I’m pretty lucky!

The video below is just the kind of laugh that I needed today, considering that I have some tree clean-up to deal with in the very near future. Now, tree removal is a tricky business and is often better left up to the professionals. Bringing down a big tree yourself can be dangerous if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing.

So, I was surprised when I saw this man with his truck tied to a tree, ready to hit the gas and bring the huge stump down. I was certain it would fall right on his shiny new truck! But, what happened gave me a big laugh and reminded me that I have a lot to smile about.

Watch the hilarious video below and please like and share with someone who needs a good laugh today!


Source: FaithTap

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