Hotel Remains Open During Lockdown To Give Homeless People A Home In Exchange For Work

Homelessness continues to be a big problem that many of us don’t have the solution for. Buying a homeless person a meal or giving them cash seems to only go so far. And helping them get into a homeless shelter is just a temporary solution as there are limits to how long people can stay. Not to mention, homeless shelters are often more dangerous to live in than the streets. What we need are longer-term solutions.

Fownes Hotel in Worcester, England has been playing their part to make homeless individuals’ lives a lot easier. Since their facility had to be shut down during the virus, they’ve been welcoming those without a home to reside in their hotel rooms. In exchange for their generosity, the hotel has been assigning various duties to each resident from brick-laying to performing yard work.

At present, over 45 people have been residing in the 60-room hotel since March.

Eddie Boult is one resident living at the hotel. As a former bricklayer, he enjoys helping the hotel build brick walls to help pay for his residency.

“I did it because I was bored but also as a thank you to the staff. They’ve really looked after me,” he said.

And he’s truly grateful for everything the staff have done and provided for himself and others in a similar situation as his own.

Peter Swinbourne, a 48-year-old resident who has been homeless for 25 years, is also thankful for Fownes Hotel and the act of kindness they’ve provided.

“I have never slept in a double bed before. I’m happy here—this is a five-star hotel putting up homeless people.”

And then you have 55-year-old Terence Marriott who, again, has been more than pleased with the generosity of the staff and everything that they’ve given to make their stay the best possible, including offering high-quality, three-course meals seven days a week.

“I have been well looked after. It has been excellent,” he said. “The food is also excellent. I feel a lot healthier than when I came in.”

Some may argue that Fownes is setting themselves up for disaster. However, not only are their residents excited to take on odd-jobs around the hotel, but the hotel is running a substance-free environment. (That includes alcohol.)

According to Assistant Manager Julie Merrick, the staff at Fownes are happy with the homeless residents and how respectful they have been throughout their visit.

“Our new guests have been lovely and grateful for the support they had been given and treat their rooms with respect,” she said. “We stayed open simply because we wanted to help.”

And it turns out, Fownes is the only hotel in the area doing anything of this sort.

“We’re the only hotel in Worcester doing this. Everybody else closed their doors. My staff are very brave. They have gone above their job role, absolutely. It has brought us all closer together as a team.”

Not only is Fownes hotel housing dozens of homeless individuals right now, but back in February, they graciously took in 30 families who were affected by a flood in the area.

What comes around comes back around. I hope Fownes Hotel receives the level of appreciation they deserve, even if it’s just a quick, “Thank you for what you do.”

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