A favorite toy as a child, adult or animal, never loses its novelty! There’s nothing like opening up a gift to reveal the thing you really wanted or finally being able to purchase that one item you’ve been vying for. Sometimes it’s a big, fancy, shiny addition and other times it’s something small that just makes all the difference. Whatever floats your boat, everyone’s got a favorite toy, and horses are no exception.
This is Snipes the horse. He is playful and loves being outdoors. He likes playing with balls, and chewy stuff, and anything that gets him moving. But on this particular morning, Snipes was in for a bit of an unexpected change-up.
Snipes always plays with his favourite toy – a worn out red rope usually draped on his gate where he can easily access it. But when he approached the gate, like he does every morning, his toy was gone. Disappeared! Vanished! Instead, a poufy, plushy, white and orange, floppy, stuffed duck thing was hanging out between the beams of his gate.
At first, Snipes investigates. He nuzzles in and out, sniffing and checking out the situation while he sorts through his emotions. He’s not sure if he likes the duck, doesn’t like the duck, misses his red rope, doesn’t miss his red rope – until he’s able to catch the plushy in his teeth and throw it down. He drops it to the ground, sniffs it one more time then it’s game on. They are instant friends, and Snipes is one happy horsey, tossing it around and jumping up and down. At one point, he’s on his hind legs dancing and knocking his two front legs together like he’s clicking his heels.
What worn out red rope?
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